Xperia X10 Flashtool 0.2.4 Released

Those of you who are into technical stuff should be pleased to hear the news that the Xperia X10 now has an all in one flashtool.  This new flashtool can be used to easily hack into your unit and root it. You might be wondering why a person would want to hack into a perfectly good Xperia X10, right? Basically this is one way of gaining complete control over your device and installing a new Android version (Android 2.1).

This isn’t for the faint of heart though since it requires knowledge of basic technical skills. This latest tool was recently released by the duo only known as Bin4ry and Androxyde. Here’s what the tool can do for your unit.

  • Flash your original phone image ( Android 1.6 and Android 2.1)
  • Root
  • Can install Busybox and xRecovery
  • Cleans the phone ROM
  • Cleans dalvic cache
  • Lets you customize your applications

Those who want to try this tool to upgrade to Android 2.1 should be aware that you should wipe your userdata before doing so. If this isn’t done then your unit will keep on restarting all by itself.

This tool is not supported by Sony Ericsson and using this will most likely void any warranty that you have on your phone.
