Xperia Play Price Revealed to be $400

Are you willing to shell out $400 for the Xperia Play? This seems to be the price tag of the unit when it will be released. Although Sony Ericsson hasn’t made an official announcement yet on the price of this model, a contest which they ran recently over at their Facebook page lists the price on the fine print.

Listed on the terms and conditions in fine print which we usually don’t read is the price, and to quote it

“The Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of the Prize is $400.00 US/$397.36 CDN. ARV is as of date of printing of these Official Rules.

Is the price what you expect it to be? The Xperia Play is a device which has the ability to play PSOne games and is also a smartphone. If you compare this by individually getting a PSP Go which now costs $200 and a $200 Android smartphone I think the Xperia Play will be much better.

We will soon know the real price of this model once it will be released next month.

On a different note, HandyGames has confirmed recently that they will be releasing 3 games for the Xperia on launch date. The 3 titles are infeCCt, Super Dynamite Fishing, and Guns’n’Glory.
