Those who are excited about the official launch of the Xperia Play may now attend the event through Sony Ericsson’s Facebook page. The launch is set to begin this February 13 which also coincides with the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011. There is still no official word from Sony Ericsson if the announcement will be made at the MWC but people are already expecting it to be made at the MWC since this is one of the largest events this year on mobile technology.
To attend the event through Facebook all you have to do is like the official Sony Ericsson page, click on the Next level tab then click on the icon that says “Join the Event”.
Here’s a more detailed schedule list taken from the page.
USA: Sunday 13th February 10:00PST, 13:00EST
UK: Sunday 13th February 18:00GMT
Europe: Sunday 13th February 19:00CET
India: Sunday 13th February 23:30IST
Japan: Monday 14th February 03:00JST
Sydney: Monday 14th February 05:00EDT
Can’t wait that long to check the Xperia Play? Stay tuned later in the day when the Super Bowl XLV begins. The Xperia Play will make an appearance in the ads which should be seen by more than 100 million people.