Xperia Play games priced

For some, one concern about choosing the Xperia Play from Sony Ericsson comes over concerns with regards to pricing of the games. If they’re too expensive, many people won’t be able to get the best use of the handset. Fortunately it appears that the games won’t be too much and should be considered a “viable alternative to the iPhone”.

David Hilton, marketing boss for Sony Ericsson UK has confirmed that the downloadable Xperia Play games will be priced between £1 and £10. He also had the following to say about the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play:

The main thing is to offer something different. The iPhone is a hugely popular product and Angry Birds on iPhone is a delight. But now the hardware allows you to play far more complex games. You don’t want to be playing these with your fingers all over the screen. You want full visibility and the ability to control the games with the sort of interfaces you have on your games console.

As soon as you slide open the phone, the screen will go into a game finder app that will show you all the games you own and all the games you can download. What we have heard about Android is that locating games in the marketplace is a struggle. So we have created this app to easily navigate through the games.”

To get you started, the UK edition of the Xperia Play will come with 6 games preloaded: Crash Bandicoot, Tetris, The Sims 3, Bruce Lee Dragon Warriors, Star Battalion and Fifa 10.

