Xperia fan creates “New Xperia” music video

After writing two Xperia based songs, YouTube user and Xperia fan Domothy85 has created a third video to show his love for all things Xperia.

His latest video is based on Maroon 5’s Moves Like Jagger and has been reworded to showcase the new Xperia. The video was filmed at CES where Sony announced the Xperia S but, Domothy85 has said on his music video information that the song was actually written before Sony announced the phone and was fortunate enough to be flown out to Las Vegas for CES 2012 by Sony Ericsson to witness the unveiling of the new flagship phone!” He also notes that all footage and photos were taken on the Xperia Arc or Xperia Ray, minus two Google images.

You can watch “New Xperia” below and why not check out his first video “500 Arcs” and second video “Arc Gotta Feeling” displayed after “New Xperia”.
